(Die meisten der hier enthaltenen Links sind englischsprachig...)

"Mr. Bass Trombone" George Roberts in der Lawrence Welk Show bei der Vorstellung seiner Columbia LP "Meet Mr. Roberts".
Dave Matthews and Friends, this time the Trombone section of the Manhattan Jazz Orchestra take on the Hoagy Carmichael favourite arranged by Dave. Jim Pugh, Larry Farrel, Dave Taylor and special guest Conrad Herwig are the Trombones. With Chip Jackson Bass, Terry Silverlight Drums and Dave at the Piano
David Matthews and Friends. This time featuring the Trombone Section of the Manhattan Jazz Orchestra with Special Guest Conrad Herwig, Also Playing Larry Farrel, Jim Pugh, David Taylor with Chip Jackson Bass, Terry Silverlight Drums And Dave at the Piano
Die Posaunisten des Israel Philharmonic Orchestra spielen "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" backstage im Charles Bronfman Auditorium in Tel Aviv, mit Daniele Morandini, Yehoshua Pasternak and Micha Davis.
"The Four Freshmen" in Japan 1964 , incl. Angel Eyes, Route 66, Polkadots and Moonbeams
Happy Passover! A musical greeting from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra which is in Home Ofiice in times of Corona as well...
The Skymasters Big Band incl. Erik van Lier (trb) playing "Four Brothers"
The Bones Apart Trombone Quartet from UK plays "Stars & Stripes"
Carol Jarvis plays the soundtrack from "Back to the Future" by Alan Silvestri
Tad Calcara, principal clarinetist of the Utah Symphony plays "Good mornin"!
What We Should ALL Be Doing Right Now! - Easy to understand and clearly presented ...
Waking up with the great Bass Trombonist Phil Teele...
Advanced Embouchure Studies by Phil Teele, surely only for professionals...
The Trombone Section of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra including Nir Erez, Niv Ofer, Jehoshua Pasternak and Micha Davis plays the 1st movement of Mahler's 7th symphony; Conductor: Kent Nagano, 2014. The great solo for Bass Trombone is played by Micha Davis
"Mr. Bass Trombone" George Roberts plays "S'wonderful" by George Gershwin.
New York Philharmonic - Brass excerpt from Mahler Symphony 2
Covid Christmas 2020 with Carol Jarvis
The Big Band of the Dresden music academy "Carl Maria von Weber" lead by Günter Hörig plays Juan Tizol's "Perdido", recorded ca. 1984...
The trombone section of the Big Band of the Dresden music academy "Carl Maria von Weber" lead by Günter Hörig, recorded ca. 1984...
James Markey, bass trombonist of the Boston Symphony, plays the 4th movement of Anton Bruckner's 8th symphony in Corona Home Office...
The Four Freshmen & 5 Trombones play "Route 66" live...
Frank Rosolino on Jazz Scene USA 1962
Frank Rosolino - Please Don't Bug Me
Mattis Cederberg, bass trombonist of the WDR Big Band Cologne, plays "Ay Ay Blackbird" in Corona Home Office...
Ein vergleichbares Arrangement für Blechbläserquartett finden Sie hier...
"The Harmonious Blacksmith" by George F. Handel, played by a brass quartet of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra including Ram Oren (trp), Michael Slatkin (horn), Nir Erez and Micha Davis (trbs)
"The Harmonious Blacksmith" by George F. Handel, played by the St. Louis Low Brass Collective
"Yes, you" with the Kai Winding Septett from the recording "The Kai Winding Septet: Trombone Panorama"
Mahler: Symphony no. 1 - (with Blumine) - at Maestro Zubin Mehta's 80th birthday 12/4/16; Tel Aviv, Israel, Charles Bronfman Auditorium
Jay & Kai + 6: The Jay And Kai Trombone Octet plays "The Continental (You Kiss While You're Dancing)"
"The Trombone Institute of Technology" featuring Michael Davis and Bill Reichenbach.
New York trombonist/composer Michael Davis marks the release of his 11th CD with his most dynamic and energizing offering to date. Hip‑Bone Big Band showcases the electricity and energy of the modern big band and features an elite roster of New York legends and young lions. The 12 original compositions and arrangements feature a handful of internationally renowned trombone virtuosi, including Davis, Michael Dease, Marshall Gilkes, Conrad Herwig, Andy Martin, Bob McChesney and Bill Reichenbach.
Bart van Lier and twenty of "Holland's Greatest" playing "Watch what happens" in this tribute to Urbie Green. Slidefactory '07 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
"First Brass" is one of the most fantastic brass ensembles I ever heard, including Allan Botschinsky and Derek Watkins (trps) and Bart and Erik van Lier (Trbs). They made only one CD in 1993 which you can find online, yet.
"Seven Tales of Poe for Viola and Orchestra", a composition by Kelly Richardson. The composer has had close ties with the City of Riesa for years through its partnership with Sandy City, Utah. In the American West Symphony based there, he fulfills the function of concertmaster of the 2nd violins. Kelly has been a guest in our city several times, for the first time in 2012 with a string group of his orchestra to perform at the city festival, in 2014 on the occasion of the conductors exchange between his orchestra and the Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen and most recently for the celebrations for the 900th anniversary of the City of Riesa in Year 2019. On the two last-mentioned occasions, his composition "The Battle of Shilo", which is a drama from the American Civil War, was performed by the Elbland Philharmonie Sachsen, in which he himself participated as a violinist in the orchestra. The creation of Kelly's new composition is also connected to our city in a special way. He made the first sketches for this during his stay in Riesa in 2014, when he and friends visited the traditional Leipzig restaurant "Auerbachs Keller". On the occasion of his visit to our city in 2019, he was able to fulfill his wish to complete the work on another evening in this restaurant.
The Sky Masters Big Band: Joy Spring - Bart & Erik van Lier, live 1993
Kelly Richardson, concert master of the 2nd violins of the American West Symphony in Sandy City, Utah, plays the main theme of "Schindler's list"
Alan Kaplan plays the 3rd movement from Tchaikovsky's lV. Symphony (From his CD "Secrets of Hoyt's Garage")
Horst Fischer (trp) with the Orchestra Willy Berking play "Harlem Street"
"Orchesterparade" with the "Orchester der IG Wismut" (later renamed in "Staatliches Orchester Sachsen"), a leading orchestra for symphonic light music in the former East Germany
"DDR Musical Querschnitt" (A selection from East German musicals) with the "Orchester der IG Wismut" (later renamed in "Staatliches Orchester Sachsen"), a leading orchestra for symphonic light music in the former East Germany
"Zugvögel" (Migration birds) by Jean Neago with the "Orchester der IG Wismut" (later renamed in "Staatliches Orchester Sachsen"), a leading orchestra for symphonic light music in the former East Germany
The Israeli musician Tal Hershkovitz recorded a brilliant Hanukkah 2021 video!
Here's a seasonal holiday greeting from the trombone section of the WDR Big Band, the 1934 Christmas classic "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie, albeit in a slightly less traditional arrangement by the bass trombonist Mattis Cederberg.
Ludwig Nuss - trombone
Raphael Klemm - trombone
Andy Hunter- trombone
Mattis Cederberg - cimbasso
MIcha Davis, bass trombonist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, sent this Christmas 2021 greetings to all his Christian friends...
Tad Calcara, principal clarinetist of the Utah Symphony, plays a song from 1935. But not only he, but the eight Tads... Enjoy!
Ludwig Nuss, Posaunist der WDR BIG BAND und Ingo Luis, Bassposaunist des WDR Funkhausorchesters, spielen 8-stimmig das James van Heusen Musikstück „Here’s That Rainy Day“ in einem Arrangement von Ingo Luis. Produziert im WDR Funkhaus (Januar 2022). Ingo Luis und Ludwig Nuss veröffentlichten ihre erste gemeinsame CD unter dem Namen “The TwoBone Big Band ‘Hornplayers Can’t Eat Garlic’” 1988, noch während ihres Studiums an der Kölner Musikhochschule. Das mittlerweile legendäre Album erregte damals Aufsehen unter Posaunisten und Blechbläsern, spielten die beiden doch sämtliche Stimmen der von Ingo arrangierten Stücke im Alleingang ein. Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage folgten noch zwei weitere Produktionen der „TwoBone Big Band“; „ Return Of The Hornplayers“ und „Hornplayers Fifty-Fifty“. Inzwischen sind beide seit über 25 Jahren als Musiker beim Westdeutschen Rundfunk beschäftigt. Ingo ist Bassposaunist des Funkhaus Orchesters und Ludwig ist Lead-Posaunist der WDR Big Band. Beide feierten vor Kurzem Ihren gemeinsamen 60. Geburtstag - same Day, same Year!-​ und schlagen mit dieser Neueinspielung einen 34-jährigen musikalischen Bogen zurück zu den Anfängen ihrer gemeinsamen Musikerkarriere. Für alle Fans der “TwoBone Big Band”! Happy Birthday!
"Love is just around the corner" von dem legendären Supraphon Album "Evergreens in Brass" von 1983 mit dem Zdenek Pulec Posaunenensemble aus Prag (BedÅ™ich Beránek, Josef Bažík Pavelka*, Svatopluk Košvanec, ZdenÄ›k Pulec)
"A few words" von dem legendären Supraphon Album "Evergreens in Brass" von 1983 mit dem Zdenek Pulec Posaunenensemble aus Prag (BedÅ™ich Beránek, Josef Bažík Pavelka*, Svatopluk Košvanec, ZdenÄ›k Pulec) Solist: Svatopluk Košvanec
From Alan Kaplan's new album: More Secrets of Hoyt's Garage
"Them their eyes" mit dem Cout Basie Orchestra. Count Basie, piano; Joe Newman, trp und Urbie Green, trb
"At last" von dem fantastischen Album "The Persuasive Trombone Of Urbie Green"
Getting ready for judgement day/ Yom Kipur with Micha Davis , bass trombonist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. It sounds a lot like Verdi's "Requiem"... ;-)
"3 Clowns" - Micha Davis, Bassposaunist des Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, und zwei seiner Schüler spielen als Solisten gemeinsam mit dem IDF Orchestra
Graeme Mutchler, bass trombonist with the Utah Symphony, shows how to get the job done in this video about the valve-less Bartok trombone.
Brahms 1st symphony trombone choral with the trombone section of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra including Nir Erez and Micha Davis
Das Posaunensolo in Ravels "Bolero" mit Ian Bousfield...
Jörg Lehmann, Bassposaunist des Rundfunksinfonieorchesters Berlin, spielt die "Meditation für Bassposaune" von Hidas Frigyes
"Something" by George Harrison, arranged by Micha Davis with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra's low brass.
Edgar Wählte, Tenor, singt "Ein Lied geht um die Welt" von Hans May aus dem gleichnamigen deutschen Spielfilm begleitet vom Orchester der IG Wismut unter der Leitung von Günter Blumenhagen. Gut zu hören ist der spezielle Sound dieses führenden Unterhaltungsorchesters der ehemaligen DDR...
The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra wrote about that video clip: Winter will soon be here, and with it the oranges! Our brass players play "Truck with Oranges" written by Moshe Wilensky in 1959 - years when the orange was not only an Israeli symbol, but also a proud ambassador to the world.
Arrangement: Micha Davis
Rami Oren, Eran Re'emi, Yuval Shapiro- trumpets
Dalit Segal, Yoel Abadi- horns
Nir Erez, Micha Davis- trombone
Itai Agmon-Tuba
Dan Mushayev, percussion
Alex Nemirovsky, drums
"Bach Prelude 1 in C" mit Carol Jarvis...
"Let it snow" mit Carol Jarvis...
Blockbuster... Remake of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", trombone version. Starring: Micha Davis (not sure if he is the Good, the Bad or the Ugly...) This is what happens when trombonists are underutilized...